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OFI August Week 2-16
openflowAug 12, 2024 12:30:11 PM3 min read

How Open Flow, Inc. Transformed Energize Colorado’s Paid Ads Strategy


Our mission is to drive business growth through innovative and data-driven marketing solutions. In this case study, we explore how we helped our client, Energize Colorado, overcome significant challenges with their paid ads management and pipeline efficiency.


The Challenge

Energize Colorado, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting small businesses through financial assistance, was facing several obstacles:

  1. Slow Lead Progression: The leads were moving through the pipeline at a sluggish pace, which hindered their ability to engage prospects effectively and promote loan application completions.
  2. Lack of Consistent Engagement: Without a specific process to follow, the team struggled to engage prospects consistently, resulting in lower conversion rates.
  3. Improper Ad Tracking: Due to inadequate tracking setups, Energize Colorado lacked a clear understanding of their ad performance, making it difficult to optimize campaigns and measure success.


Our Approach

To address these challenges, we implemented a comprehensive solution focusing on optimizing their paid ads strategy and streamlining their lead management process.

1. Reconfiguring Ad Tracking

First and foremost, we reconfigured their Google and Facebook ad tracking. This involved:

  • Implementing Advanced Tracking: We set up advanced tracking mechanisms to ensure accurate data collection, allowing for better insight into ad performance.
  • Automated Platform Optimization: By improving tracking, we enabled automated optimization features on both Google and Facebook platforms, ensuring ads were served to the right audience segments.


2. HubSpot Account Optimization

Next, we turned our attention to Energize Colorado’s HubSpot account, where we made several key updates:

  • Custom Deal Pipeline: We created a custom deal pipeline tailored to their unique sales process. This new pipeline facilitated better lead tracking and management.
  • Sales Follow-Up Automations: To ensure consistent engagement, we developed automated follow-up sequences. These automations triggered timely and personalized communication with prospects, keeping them engaged throughout the loan application process.
  • Landing Pages and Forms: We designed and implemented new landing pages and forms that effectively captured lead information and pushed it into a sophisticated routing system.


3. Continuous Review and Optimization

Our work didn’t stop at implementation. We continuously reviewed and optimized the new processes to ensure they met Energize Colorado’s evolving needs:

  • Regular Performance Audits: We conducted regular audits of their ad campaigns and HubSpot configurations, identifying areas for improvement and making necessary adjustments.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Leveraging the enhanced tracking data, we provided Energize Colorado with actionable insights to further refine their marketing strategies.


The Results

The transformation in Energize Colorado’s paid ads management and lead progression was remarkable. Here are some of the key outcomes:

  1. Improved Lead Progression: The custom deal pipeline and follow-up automations resulted in a significant increase in the speed at which leads moved through the pipeline. Prospects were now consistently engaged, leading to higher conversion rates.
  2. Enhanced Ad Performance: With accurate tracking in place, Energize Colorado gained a clear understanding of their ad performance. This allowed for data-driven optimization, leading to improved ad efficiency and effectiveness.
  3. Streamlined Application Process: The new landing pages and forms, coupled with the routing system, created a seamless application process for business owners. This not only improved the user experience but also increased the number of completed loan applications.



At Open Flow, Inc., we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver tailored marketing solutions that drive real results. Our work with Energize Colorado is a testament to our expertise in paid ads management and HubSpot optimization. By addressing their challenges head-on and implementing a strategic, data-driven approach, we were able to transform their marketing efforts and support their mission of empowering small businesses.

If your organization is facing similar challenges or looking to optimize your marketing strategies, contact us today to learn how we can help you achieve your goals.