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openflowAug 19, 2024 7:00:00 AM2 min read

HubSpot's HIPAA Support and New Sensitive Data Tools Transform CRM for Regulated Industries

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing and customer relationship management (CRM), protecting sensitive data while providing a unified view of the customer has been a significant challenge for businesses in regulated industries like healthcare, finance, and insurance. These sectors are pivotal to the economy, with a combined total addressable market expected to grow from over $30 billion today to more than $50 billion by 2028. Recognizing the critical role these industries play, HubSpot has introduced groundbreaking features to address these unique challenges.


HubSpot's Commitment to Data Security and Compliance

HubSpot's latest update is a game-changer for businesses that handle sensitive data, including government IDs, medical records, and bank account numbers. With the introduction of HIPAA support and new tools for managing sensitive data, HubSpot's Smart CRM platform is now equipped to offer a secure and comprehensive view of customer interactions across marketing, sales, and service teams.

This enhanced capability means that HubSpot users can store sensitive data safely within the CRM, streamlining compliance processes and avoiding the need for patchwork solutions that previously led to disconnected teams and disjointed customer experiences. This integration not only simplifies data management but also strengthens security and privacy protections.


Enhancing Customer Relationships in Healthcare

The impact of these updates extends significantly within the healthcare sector, where a complete view of the customer is crucial. Healthcare providers and B2B healthcare companies can now store HIPAA-protected medical data in HubSpot, enabling them to automate workflows, enhance team coordination with closed-loop reporting, and deploy targeted campaigns using relevant, personalized information.


Empowering Marketers, Sales Teams, and Service Teams

With these new tools, marketers can collect and use sensitive data safely, where customers have consented, for various purposes like improving lead generation, segmenting audiences, and powering targeted marketing campaigns without the need for complex workarounds.

Sales representatives can leverage a complete view of their prospects to create more relevant connections and build more substantial pipelines. They can automate deal management processes that involve sensitive data, such as loan applications, enhancing efficiency and compliance.

Service teams also benefit by being able to create a single, comprehensive customer record. This capability allows help desk representatives to deliver tailored services by securely storing the sensitive data required, like details necessary for booking and modifying travel itineraries.



HubSpot’s latest updates are not just technological enhancements; they are transformative changes that enable businesses in regulated industries to drive growth through better management and utilization of sensitive data. By providing a secure, comprehensive platform that aligns with industry regulations like HIPAA, HubSpot is paving the way for more effective and compliant customer relationship management.

For businesses looking to leverage these new capabilities, embracing HubSpot’s updated CRM means unlocking potential for growth and innovation in a secure, compliant manner. If you’re interested in how these new features can specifically benefit your operations, feel free to contact us at Open Flow, Inc. We're here to help you navigate and maximize these new tools for your business success.


Contact us today to learn more about HubSpot's HIPAA compliance and sensitive data management.